Pha14 horizontal profile projector pha14 comes equipped with linear glass scales factory mounted ready for your choice of optional display counters shown. We use a mitutoyo optical comparator model ph350 in our q. Starrett hb400 bench top horizontal optical comparator. Manufactured without compromise, starrett optical comparators provide time tested, cost effective solutions for noncontact measurement. Fowler baty r14 gxl e horizontal optical comparator with dro as gxl with added optical edge sensor 14 screen 539008011. We need to understand how to calibrate this comparator. Colombia sur america habeas data aerohelices manual.
From stepbystep setup instructions to more advanced tutorials and expert hacks. View and download mitutoyo ph3500 instruction manual online. Optional, 6 yaxis travel, quick change bayonet fitting lenses, qaxis digital protractor with angular measurements to 1. The qc300 can be used with inspection tools such as measuring microscopes, optical comparators, optical edge detection, video systems, video edge detection and. The hb400 horizontal benchtop optical comparator offers a 16. It is a useful item in a small parts machine shop or production line for the quality control inspection team. The 17281010a mitutoyo pha14 14 optical comparator is on sale at.
I have checked on mitutoyos website, but did not have any luck finding any documentation for comparators there. In a comparator, the magnified silhouette of a part is projected upon the screen, and the dimensions and geometry of the part are measured against prescribed limits. Calibrating a ph350 mitutoyo comparator industrialmfg. Tecnm campus crode merida calle 28 por sn, ampliacion ciudad industrial merida, yucatan mexico c. Click picture for brochure on dv114 and dv124 optical comparators. Mitutoyo mitutoyomitutoyoprojectorpha14users manual 557238 mitutoyomitutoyoprojectorpha14users manual 557238 mitutoyo pdf.
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